Tutorials at the I2MTC 2015 conference will be held on Monday, May 11. The Tutorial Program is part of the conference. No extra fees will be collected. If you only want a day pass for Tutorials only without attending the conference, that is available for $150.
Registration will open at 9:00.
Click Here to Download the Tutorials Program
Session 1 - 10:00 - 11:30
Measurement Fundamentals
Dario Petri
University of Trento, Italy
Dario Petri is a Full Professor with the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Trento, Italy. He is currently chairing the Italian Association of Electrical and Electronic Measurements (GMEE). From 2012 to 2014, he chaired the IEEE Italy Section. Dr. Petri has been the VP for Conferences of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society from 2011 to 2013, and is the VP for Finance of the same Society since 2013. His research activities are focused on fundamentals of measurement theory, data acquisition systems, embedded systems, and application of digital signal processing to measurement problems.
Signal Processing
Claudio Narduzzi and Guglielmo Frigo
University of Padova, Italy
"A Focus on Compressive Sensing Applications in Measurement"
Claudio Narduzzi (S'79 - M'83) was born in Venice, Italy in 1958 and received the Laurea degree (cum laude) in Electronics engineering from the University of Padua, Italy in 1982. He is a full Professor in Instrumentation and Measurement at the Engineering School of the University of Padua, Italy where he currently teaches bachelor, master and Ph.D. level courses.
His long-term research interest are the applications of digital signal processing to measurement science, specific topics including spectral analysis, inverse filtering, quantization and analogue-to-digital conversion, instrumentation and test system characterization.
Current interests are mainly focused on the application of advanced signal processing methods, such as compressed sensing and on synchronization and performance analysis in networked measurement systems.
Prof. Narduzzi actively participates in national and international research activities, is a reviewer for IEEE technical journals and a member of Technical Committees for international conferences.
Measurement Topics
Paul O'Leary
University of Leoben, Austria
"Mining Sensor and Measurement Data in Real-Time"
Paul O’Leary was born in 1960 in Limerick, Ireland. He studied at Trinity College Dublin where he receivied a B.A. in mathematics and a B.A.I. in Electronic Engineering. He then studied at the Philips International Institute, in Eindhoven, Netherlands from where he received an M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering in 1984. He performed his Ph.D. studies with Prof. Maloberti at the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy. He worked as a designer of integrated circuits at ITT Intermetall, Freiburg, Germany from 1984 to 1987. He then moved to Austria where he was in charge of analog integrated circuit development at Austria Micro Systems. In 1990 he founded the Institute for Chemical and Optical Sensors at Joeneuem research, Graz Austria and in 1995 he received the Chair of Automation at the Mining University of Leoben he is director of this institute to this day. In 1996 he founded the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Sensor and Measurement Systems. His current research is primarily on discrete basis functions and their application to the solution of inverse problems. Currently his research is focusing on phenomenology, the emergence of natural language and its relevance for mining sensor data.
Non-Linear Measurements
Johan Schoukens and Rik Pintelon
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Session 2 - 11:30 - 13:00
Measurement Basics
Giulio D'Agostini
"Introducing Bayesian Reasoning in Measurements with a Toy Experiment"
Giulio D'Agostini is an experimental particle physicist at INFN and Rome University "La Sapienza". He has collaborated in large frontier-type experiments at the international laboratories of CERN and DESY, working on various aspects of the construction and the operation of detectors, and analysing the resulting data. He has also performed several re-analysis of data produced by other experiments. Physics topics to which he has contributed include: study of the force between quarks and gluons, proton and photon structure functions and new particle searches, like dibaryons, excited quarks, supersymmetric particles, electron compositness and Higgs particle. He is also interested in the fundamental aspects of probability theory, as well as in the related teaching issues and its applications in data analysis and decision theory. Some on his methods (like the `Bayesian unfolding') are largely used in the scientific community. He has written "Bayesian Reasoning in Data Analysis - A Critical Introduction" (World Scientific, 2003), in which the ISO classification of uncertainty into type A and B is supported.
Signal Processing
Leopoldo Angrisani and Rosario Schiano Lo Moriello
University of Naples Federico II, Italy
"Analog to Information Converters: How Compressive Sampling Could Overcome ADC Limitations"
Leopoldo Angrisani (M’09), born in 1969, received the M.S. degree (cum laude) in Electronic Engineering from the University of Salerno, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering (curriculum Electrical and Electronic Measurements) from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, in 1993 and 1997, respectively. Since 2010, he has been Full Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements, formerly with the University of Naples Federico II.
His research activity is focused on typical topics of electrical and electronic measurements, and, in particular, on (i) performance assessment of telecommunication systems and apparatuses, (ii) communication networks test and measurement, (iii) compressive sampling based measurements (iv) measurements for Homeland Security applications (v) detection, measurement, and classification of non-stationary signals, (vi) automatic measurement instruments based on digital signal processors, (vii) measurement uncertainty.
Rosario Schiano Lo Moriello, born in 1975, received the M.S. degree (cum laude) in materials engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Università di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 2001 and 2004, respectively. Since 2006, he has been an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements with Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
His main current research interests include the definition and implementation of (i) measurement methods and instruments based on compressive sampling approach, (ii) measurement methods for frequency methods of highly noisy signals and (iii) uncertainty analysis of high performance magnetic field meters.
Measurement Topics
Peter Händel and Isaac Skog
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
"Smartphone Instrumentation for Insurance Telematics"
Peter Händel is Professor of Signal Processing and the Head of the Department of Signal Processing at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He has a broad academic and industrial research background. A recent interest is instrumentation and measurements for insurance telematics.
Dr Isaac Skog holds a researcher positon at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. He performs research within navigation and localization for local based services and insurance telematics. He was the recipient of a Best Survey Paper Award by the IEEE ITS Society in 2013 for a paper published in the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Non-Linear Measurements
Johan Schoukens and Rik Pintelon
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
"Second Slot: Measuring Dynamic Systems in the Presence of Nonlinear Distortions…"
Session 3 - 14:30 - 16:00
Biomedical Measurements
Octavian Adrian Postolache
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisboa/IT & Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, ISCTE-IUL, Portugal
"Unobtrusive Smart Sensing and Pervasive Computing for Healthcare"
Prof. Dr. Octavian Adrian Postolache (M’99, SM’2006) graduated in Electrical Engineering at the Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania, in 1992 and he received the PhD degree in 1999 from the same university, where he worked as assistant professor. In 2000 he became principal researcher of Instituto de Telecomunicações and Assistant Professor of EST/IPS Setubal in 2001. In 2012 he joined ISCTE-IUL Lisbon where he is currently assistant professor. His fields of interests are smart sensors for biomedical and environmental applications, pervasive sensing and computing, wireless sensor networks, signal processing with application in biomedical and telecommunications, non-destructive testing and diagnosis based on smart eddy currents smart sensors, computational intelligence with application in automated measurement systems. He is currently leader of project regarding the implementation of Electronic Health Records for Physiotherapy (EHR-Physio). He is vice-director of Instituto de Telecomunicações/ISCTE-IUL delegation, and he was leader of several projects that involved Instituto de Telecomunicaçoes and the industry such as Home TeleCare project with Portuguese Telecommunication Agency for Innovation (PT Inovação), Integrated Spectrum Monitoring project with National Communication Agency (ANACOM). He is active member of national and international research teams involved in Portuguese and EU and International projects. Dr. Postolache is author and co-author of 10 patents, 7 books, 15 book chapters, 63 papers in international journals with peer review, more than 208 papers in proceedings of international conferences. He is IEEE Senior Member I&M Society, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Distinguished Lecturer, chair of IEEE I&MSTC-13 Wireless and Telecommunications in Measurements, member of IEEEI&MSTC-17, IEEEI&MSTC-18, IEEE I&MS TC-25, IEEE EMBS Portugal Chapter, He is active member of IEEE IMS TC-25 Subcommittee on Objective Blood Pressure Measurement Standard. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors Journal, and he received IEEE best reviewer and the best associate editor in 2011 and 2013. He was involved in the organization of different conferences thus he was member of IMEKO World Congress Organizing Committee, 2009. He served as co-chair of Sensornets 2012, Rome, Italy, Sensornets 2013 Barcelona, Spain, and Sensornets 2014, Lisboa, Portugal, Sensornets 2015, Angers, France and as chair of Pervasive HealthCare Workshop, 2012, SanDiego, USA, general chair of IEEE MeMeA 2014, Lisbon, Portugal and as TPC co-chair of ICST 2014, Liverpool, UK, and ICST, 2015, Aukland, NZ.
Measurement Sensors
Pawel Niewczas
University of Strathclyde & Synaptec Ltd, United Kingdom
"Fiber-Optic Sensing for Power and Energy Industries"
Pawel Niewczas is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. He is leading the Advanced Sensors Team within the Institute for Energy and Environment in the same
department. His main research interests focus on the advancement of photonic sensing methods and systems integration in applications that lie predominantly in power and energy sectors. He has carried out a unique portfolio of research
programmes, generally focusing on fibre based spectrally encoded sensors, and addressing such issues as sensor design, fabrication, packaging, deployment, and interrogation in challenging environments. The current key strategic applications of his research include such areas as power system metering and protection; wind turbine structural health monitoring; downhole pressure, temperature, voltage and current measurement; and sensing in nuclear fission and fusion environments. He has published over 80 technical papers in this area.
Measurement Topics
Francesco Giazotto
"Superconducting Sensors: Josephson Junction-Based Nanocircuits Toward Coherent Caloritronics and Thermal Measurement Devices – Linked to SS8"
Francesco Giazotto graduated in Physics, and got a PhD in Physics (cum laude) in 2002 at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. Since 2003 he is a researcher at NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze of CNR in Pisa. He was a visiting scientist for various periods from 2003 to 2008 at Aalto University in Helsinki (FI), and in 2011 at University Joseph Fourier in Grenoble (FR). Dr. Giazotto coordinates as Principal Investigator (PI) the activities of mesoscopic superconductivity, coherent caloritronics, electronic refrigeration, ultrasensitive quantum magnetometry, superconducting spintronics, and quantum transport in hybrid systems at ultralow temperatures at NEST laboratory. He has co-authored over 100 articles in international journals, holds a patent for the detection of THz radiation using superconducting nanodevices, and has given more than 50 invited talks. He is also referee of European projects and major international scientific journals. Since 2007 Francesco Giazotto has been PI in a total of 7 projects, both European and national. For his research activities in the field of thermal transport at the nanoscale he has also achieved an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2013.
Measurement Systems
Mihaela Albu
Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania
"Measurement Data Aggregation in Emerging Power Systems"
Mihaela Albu (M’96, SM’07) is a professor of electrical engineering at Politehnica University of Bucharest (UPB), Romania; she graduated the UPB power-engineering program and holds the Ph.D. degree (1998) from the same university. Her research interests include wide area measurement and control systems; smart metering technologies; DC microgrids and power quality. She has been P.I. of several projects funded by national and international agencies and is a constant partner in the power industry-academia dialogue, including service for several professional associations: CIGRE • VDE •AGIR (www.agir.ro) • IEEE (M’98, SM’08) • IRE (www.ire.ro). She is a member of the Romanian Standards Association and IEEE-SA and served (2013-2015) as editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.
Session 4 - 16:30 - 18:00
Biomedical Measurements
Franco Simini
Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
Franco Simini is Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the UNIVERSIDAD DE LA REPUBLICA, Uruguay, where he founded the “Núcleo de Ingeniería Biomédica” in 1985, joint project of the Medicine and Engineering Faculties. Active in Technology Transfer to let industry benefit from research, has directed over 120 projects and theses in Biomedical Instrumentation and Systems and created 8 courses. Member of the Founding Committee (2008-2013) of “Espacio Interdisciplinario” to foster research and outreach. IEEE Senior Member.
Measurement Topics
Veronica Scotti and Alessandro Ferrero
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
"Forensic Metrology: How Measurement Can Help Justice"
Veronica Scotti ([email protected]) is a lawyer in Milan, Italy. She received her degree in law from the Catholic University of Piacenza, Piacenza, Italy, in 2000, and she has been a registered lawyer in Milan since 2003. From 2001 to 2006, she cooperated with Politecnico di Milano in the field of quality control system and environmental regulations. Since 2007, she has been a contract professor of Legal implication of the engineer – professional liability at Politecnico di Milano. Her practice focuses on commercial contracts, energy provision contracts, constructions and engineering, environment, quality insurance, which are managed both in the extrajudicial way, and in proceedings.
Due to her long collaboration with an engineering faculty, she has built a solid background on legal-technical issues that is extremely useful in handling disputes involving complex technical problems. Her research interests are related to the analysis of the relationship between measurement activities and metrology and the regulation field, with particular concern to the legal implications of an incorrect specification of measurement uncertainty. The results of her research activity have been published in about 30 papers in journals and conference proceedings, also aimed at disseminating knowledge about potential legal issued implied in technical activities. Since 2010, she has been responsible for a column on legal metrology on the magazine published by the Italian Association on Electrical and Electronic Measurements (GMEE). Since 2014 she has been responsible for a column on legal issues measurements and legal metrology on the IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine.
Alessandro Ferrero (M’88–SM’96–F’99) was born in Milan, Italy, in 1954. He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1978. In 1983, he joined the Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica, Politecnico di Milano, as an Assistant Professor of electrical measurements. From 1987 to 1991, he was with the University of Catania, Catania, Italy, as an Associate Professor of measurements on electrical machines and plants. From 1991 to 1994, he was with the Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica, Politecnico di Milano, as an Associate Professor of electrical measurements. He is presently a Full Professor of electrical and electronic measurements at the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria at Politecnico di Milano.
His current research interests include uncertainty evaluation, the application of digital methods to electrical measurements and measurements on electric power systems under nonsinusoidal conditions. Prof. Ferrero is a member of the Italian Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the Italian Association for Industrial Automation and the Italian Association for Electrical and Electronic Measurement, that he has chaired for the three-year term 2004–2007. He has been the President of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurements Society for the 2008 – 2009 term. He is the recipient of the 2006 Joseph F. Keithley IEEE Field Award for Instrumentation and Measurement. Since 2011 he has been Foreign Member of the Class of Technical Sciences of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement since 2012. In 2014 he was awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa degree by the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania.
Measurement Systems
Gourab Sen Gupta
Massey University, New Zealand
"Sensors and Measurements for Robotics and Automation"
A/Prof G. Sen Gupta received his B.E. (Electronics) degree from the University of Indore, India, in 1982, Master of Electronics Engineering (MEE) degree from the Philips International Institute, Technical University of Eindhoven, Holland, in 1984 and PhD in Computer Systems Engineering from Massey University in 2008. He is the Program Director (Engineering) at the School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University.
His current research interests are sensors and instrumentation for robotics and embedded systems. Several of his current research projects are on sensor applications for assistive living and precision agriculture. He is a senior member of IEEE and a Distinguished Lecturer of the Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS).