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Marcantonio Catelani

Marcantonio Catelani Photo
Marcantonio Catelani received the M.S. degree  in Electronic Engineering  in 1984 from the University of Florence (Italy). Since 1984 he has been with the Department of Electronics (now Information Engineering Department) at the School of Engineering  ‐ University of Florence. In 1986, he was an Assistant Professor and then (1992) an Associate Professor  of  Reliability.  In  2006,  he  was  Full  Professor  of  Reliability  and  Quality  control  at  the  Electronic  and Telecommunications Department in Florence, Italy.  His current research interests are in different fields. In the RAMS context (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety), the aim of the research concerns both the analysis and evaluation of RAMS requirements for systems and equipments used for  industrial applications such as transportation, automotive, biomedical, electronics; in this area his interest regards also in development of new models for SIL (Safety Integrity Level) and Risk evaluation. Strictly correlated with RAMS are the fields of interest of both the Fault diagnosis and Reliability testing for components and equipments.  In  particular,  the  research  activity  concerns  the  development  of  test  profiles  used  both  for  the characterization  and the  evaluation  of reliability  performance  and,  at the same time, the  development  of  new degradation models able to estimate the life cycle of electronic components. The Fault diagnosis was developed for analog  circuits where different Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy system are proposed and  compared. A more recent field of interest concerns also the analysis of performances of new soldering material (lead free) in electronic field. To this aim, different types of conductive glues are experimented in laboratory, also from the reliability point of view, with the aim to modify or substitute the traditional soldering process and minimize the environmental impact.   In  addition,  other  research interests  concern  the  development  of  automatic  measurement  system,  the characterization of ADC converters, as well as quality control and related statistical methods.  
He is also: 
- Director of SIAF (Servizi Informatici Ateneo di Firenze);   
- Scientific coordinator for accreditation and certification activities at the University of Florence; 
- Coordinator of the first learning level degree of Electronic and telecommunication engineering; 
- Coordinator of the second learning level degree of Electronics Engineering; 
- Responsible of Measurement and Reliability Laboratory at the Information Engineering Dept. in Florence; 
- Local Responsible of national research project (ministry PRIN and industrial); 
- IEEE member; 
- Member of the Editorial Board of Metrology and Measurement Systems, Polish Academy of Sciences – Committee 
of Metrology and Scientific Instrumentation; 
- Member of the Italian Association “Electrical and Electronic Measurement Group”; 
- Chairman of IMEKO TC10 “Technical diagnostics”, Committee of the International Measurement Confederation; 
- Member  of the  Italian  Technical  Committee  CEI (Italian  Electrotechnical    Committee)  56  “Reliability”,  CT  111 
“Environmental aspects for electrical and electronic devices; SC 309/91 “Technology for electronic packaging”;  
- Reviewer for Microelectronics Reliability, Measurement, IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, 
IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transaction on Devices and Materials, Journal of Metrology and 
Measurement Systems; 
- Reviewer for national research project MIUR (Ministry for Instruction, University and Research); 
- Reviewer for ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca), CRUI (Conferenza 
dei Rettori delle Università Italiane) and QUACING (Agenzia per la certificazione della qualità e l’accreditamento 
EUR‐ACE dei corsi di studio in ingegneria). 
University of Florence
055 4796377
Fax Number: 
055 4796497